If you want to create a new org chart or you want to add people to your talent poll or if you have several new people that have joined your organization, or you need to update information in your org chart, you can import that data from a CSV or Excel file.
Here is a Sample CSV File that you can download and edit.
During the import process, Organimi will attempt to prevent duplicate people in the talent pool. Organimi will use the email address as a unique key and when Organimi finds a record with an identical email address, it will update all information for that existing person, such as name, phone number, biography, etc.
If you did not define email addresses in the file, Organimi will attempt to use secondary matches such as First Name and Last Name to try and prevent duplicates from being created.
After creating/updating the CSV file with the required fields (Unique ID, Manager ID, Firstname, Role Title), follow the steps below:
- From your organization's dashboard, click Data Import.
- Click on Browse to select and upload the file.
- Verify the auto-suggestions and approve/reject as needed.
- The matched fields will be highlighted, which can be changed as needed on this step. Please note that the fields with the chain-link icon have been mapped manually whereas the other fields were suggested by the system. Once verified, click Continue to move to the next step.
- On the next screen, users have the option to
- Create new chart or update an existing one. You can also select to import only the people list (roster)
- Filter the data based on certain parameters such as missing firstname or lastname
- Auto-create department or assistant roles based on the data
- Click on Complete Import to import the chart into the app. If there are any errors in the data file, the system will show a pop-up with the error which the users would need to correct and re-upload the file to complete the import. If there are not errors found in the data in the file, data upload will start and the chart would be ready within a few seconds.
- After the upload is complete, users should be able to see the chart.
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