In this article, you will learn how to create a vacant role.
- Determine the following:
- In which org chart to put the vacant role
- Where in the chart do you wish to add the vacant role
- Open the org chart.
- Hover your mouse over the role card.
- Click the right or left plus sign (+) to add a parallel role OR click the bottom plus sign (+) to add a subordinate role.
5. In the New Role screen, do the following:
- Choose the role type
- In the Quantity field, click the up or down arrows to add the number of roles you wish to create
- In the Role Title field, add a title for the new role
- Click the Enter More Information link to add more role details
- Click the Role is Vacant toggle button
- Click in the Hire by Date field and from the pop-up calendar, select a hire date
- Click Save
Related articles:
- Different role card types.
- Create a shared role type.
- Create a location role type.
- Create an assistant role type.
- Create a department role type.
- Create a link-to-chart role type.
- How do I add a shared assistant?
- How do I re-assign someone to a different role?
- How do I display my organization's talent pool (Roster)?
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