Here are the formatting options for your chart cards:
- Display or hide the frame
- Change the shape, thickness, color, size, position, and order
- Show a subordinate count
- View count by people, department, location, vacant position, and shared roles
- Open the chart you wish to customize.
- From the left panel:
a. Click the Theme icon.
b. Click Cards.
3. Click the Show Card Frame toggle button to hide or display card borders.
4. Change the card shape to rounded, square or circle.
5. Change the frame thickness to thin, regular, thick or thicker.
6. Click the color palette icon to add frame, card, and chart background colors.
7. To change the card size:
- In the Card Width field, type a number
- Put a checkmark in the Automatically fit content checkbox, and Organimi will automatically fit text to your card
- Click the down arrow in the Auto Height Strategy field to select card height
8. To format your card display:
- In the field, Show Text for Vacant Roles, type content to appear when roles are vacant
- In the field, Role Color Position, click the down arrow to select where you would like your role color to appear. Role color can appear as full card, top, left, right, or bottom.
9. Put a checkmark in the:
- Automatically sort roles checkbox and in the Sort Roles By field, click the down arrow to automatically sort roles by First Name, Last Name, Role Title, and Size of Department
- Compact Mode checkbox and click the down arrow in these fields Lowest Level Display Direction, Shared Role Display Direction, to display cards as a grid, vertical or horizontal
10. Click the Show Sub-ordinate count toggle button to display role counts and put a checkmark in any checkbox where you wish counts to appear.
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