In this article, we will show you how to remove the following colors:
- Specific Roles
- Themes
- Cards: frame, chart, and card background
- Fields: font
- Lines: primary, secondary roles, and department
- Legends: badge color
Note: To completely remove any color from your chart, select the icon that represents no color.
- Open the org chart from which you would like to remove colors.
- To remove the color from a specific role, right-click the role and select Edit Role.
- In the Card Styling section, click the Role Color palette and select the icon that represents no color.
4. Click Save.
5. To remove theme colors, from the left panel, click the Theme icon.
6. Click Cards and the X next to any color palette to return to the default color. To completely remove a color, select the icon that represents no color.
7. Click Fields.
- Click the gear icon and click the color palette
- Click a color to return to the default color
8. Click Lines and click the line color palette to pick the default color.
9. Go to your dashboard and click the Show / Hide Legend icon.
- Click the pencil icon next to Color Label.
- Click the color palette and pick the default badge color
- Click Save.
10. Click Close.
11. On the Apply theme to... screen, click:
- This Chart Only to apply the theme to the current chart
- All Charts in this Organization to apply the theme to all charts in your organization
- Click Submit
Related articles:
- Apply a background color to your chart.
- Apply a background color to cards.
- Apply colors to connecting lines.
- Apply colors to roles.
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