Users can create direct links to a given role card in the Organimi app. This can be helpful when wanting to direct someone to view a specific role in the chart. It saves time in searching the role in the chart.
Direct links can be protected or public depending on the chart that they are generated from.
- Protected links are generated from a protected chart by user who is logged into Organimi. Protected links will only work when clicked by a person who has a an Account in Organimi and has access to view the chart containing the role in the link. Clicking the link will take the user through the log in process if they are currently not logged in to Organimi. Protected links are useful when shared with Organimi Users who share the same Licence.
- Public links need to be generated directly from the publically shared chart itself. Once shared anyone who clicks the link will be taken directly to the role in the publically shared chart itself just as if they had searched on the shared chart for the role. Public links are useful for email signatures or employee bios when the Organization also has a publically shared Org Chart ... as anyone who clicked the link would taken directly to the Org Chart to see where the person sits in the Org Chart.
- Note that publically shared org charts and IFrame embedded org charts can be password protected, IP whitelisted, or accessible only within a corporate intranet ... in which case any public links would require the clicker of the link to be able to access the org chart in general for the direct link to work.
In order to generate a direct URL to the role,
- Hover over the role card and click on the 3 dots menu
- From the list of options, select Generate Direct URL which will copy the URL to the clipboard
- Once the URL is generated, you should see a "Link copied to clipboard" message
- This link can be used to redirect to that role card in the protected chart (if logged in as a user). It can also be pasted in the URL type custom field to redirect to that role card from a public or iframe embed link.
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